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Cherny Legion Zits

 Àâòîð ôîòî / Photo by:
No pedigree:
ÐÊÔ 1873097
Tattoo / Chip:
JVE 217
Kennel "Cherniy Legion"
Ëèòâèíîâ Â.Í.
Ëÿëèíà Í.
Russia, Âåëèêèé Íîâãîðîä
Offsprings in base:
0 males
0 females
6 dogs in base
Cherny Legion Zevs, ÐÊÔ 1873096, Ìàëþêîâ Â.Î. 25.01.2006
Veit von der Scherau x Cherniy Legion Normandia Male
 Rus.Ch, ÎÊÄ - 1, ÇÊÑ - 1
Cherniy Legion Zonder 25.01.2006
Veit von der Scherau x Cherniy Legion Normandia Male
Cherniy Legion Zorro, Ãîí÷àðîâà 25.01.2006
Veit von der Scherau x Cherniy Legion Normandia Male
Cherniy Legion Zoloto Inkov 25.01.2006
Veit von der Scherau x Cherniy Legion Normandia Female
Cherniy Legion Zarya 25.01.2006
Veit von der Scherau x Cherniy Legion Normandia Female
Cherniy Legion Zorge, ÐÊÔ 1873098, Ñóõîâàðîâà Î. 25.01.2006
Veit von der Scherau x Cherniy Legion Normandia Male

24 dogs in base
Cherniy Legion Liga Pobediteley, ÐÊÔ 1873053, Ñìèðíîâà Ë.Â. 03.04.2006
Veit von der Scherau x Cherniy Legion Omega Female
 Int.Ch, J.Club.Ch, Blr.Ch, Est.Ch, Fin.Ch, ..., IPO - 1, ÎÊÄ - 1, BH
 HD-B, ED-0
Xrays available
Cherniy Legion Lazer, Âåáåð À.À. 03.04.2006
Veit von der Scherau x Cherniy Legion Omega Male
 Rus.Ch, RKF.Ch
Cherniy Legion Lamborgini, Çûðÿíîâà 03.04.2006
Veit von der Scherau x Cherniy Legion Omega Female
Cherniy Legion Leroy 03.04.2006
Veit von der Scherau x Cherniy Legion Omega Male
Cherniy Legion Lider 03.04.2006
Veit von der Scherau x Cherniy Legion Omega Male
Cherniy Legion Lidiya, Ëèòâèíîâà Íàäåæäà 03.04.2006
Veit von der Scherau x Cherniy Legion Omega Female
Cherniy Legion Natsia, ÐÊÔ 1475627, Êèáàêèí Å.Â. 07.05.2006
Veit von der Scherau x Cherniy Legion Avstria Female
 Rus.Ch, J.Rus.Ch, ÎÊÄ - 1
Cherny Legion Navigator, ÐÊÔ 1939654 / UKU.008674/07, Áîíäàðü Ìàðèíà 07.05.2006
Veit von der Scherau x Cherniy Legion Avstria Male
 Grand Ua.Ch, Ua.Ch, IPO - 1
Cherniy Legion Next 07.05.2006
Veit von der Scherau x Cherniy Legion Avstria Male
Cherniy Legion Niza 07.05.2006
Veit von der Scherau x Cherniy Legion Avstria Female
Cherniy Legion Nemo 07.05.2006
Veit von der Scherau x Cherniy Legion Avstria Male
Pridvinje Doroti, BCU 147-006331, Öàðåâà Îëüãà 02.07.2006
Veit von der Scherau x Efrosinia Female
 Grand By.Ch, Blr.Ch, Rus.Ch, RFLS.Ch (rus), ÎÊÄ - 1, ÇÊÑ - 1
Pridvinje Duche, ÁÊÎ 147-006327, Òàòüÿíà Áóòûð÷èê 02.07.2006
Veit von der Scherau x Efrosinia Female
Pridvinje Dallas, BCU 147-006326, Êîñìàòîâ 02.07.2006
Veit von der Scherau x Efrosinia Male
 Breed Ch. (By)
Pridvinje Dio, ÁÊÎ 147-006328, Øëÿõòåíîê Îëüãà 02.07.2006
Veit von der Scherau x Efrosinia Male
Pridvinje Dolli, ÁÊÎ 147-006329, Âàñèëèé Ìèñîâåö 02.07.2006
Veit von der Scherau x Efrosinia Female
 Blr.Ch, Breed Ch. (By), J.By.Ch
Pridvinje Domenika, ÁÊÎ 147-006332, Òîìàðà Ïîëèåíêî 02.07.2006
Veit von der Scherau x Efrosinia Female
 Blr.Ch, J.By.Ch
Pridvinje Doris, BCU 147-006330, Ñîêîëîâà Òàòüÿíà 02.07.2006
Veit von der Scherau x Efrosinia Female
 Blr.Ch, Breed Ch. (By), J.By.Ch, J.Rus.Ch
Kapitan Dukalis s Troitskogo Polya, Ìèðîíîâà í. è Áàêàèäîâà Ì. 06.09.2006
Veit von der Scherau x CHarodeika s Troitskogo Polya Male
Kastanieta s Troitskogo Polya, ÐÊÔ 1929312, Êèðèëëîâà Â. 06.09.2006
Veit von der Scherau x CHarodeika s Troitskogo Polya Female
 Rus.Ch, ÎÊÄ - 3
Kupava s Troitskogo Polya 06.09.2006
Veit von der Scherau x CHarodeika s Troitskogo Polya Female
Tsenturion, Êîòèíà 00.00.2007
Veit von der Scherau x Gerr-Mania Popurri Male
Cherniy Legion Tsarina, Ìåäâåäåâà Ò. 01.04.2007
Veit von der Scherau x Ormella Female
Cherniy Legion Tsentral 01.04.2007
Veit von der Scherau x Ormella Male

25 dogs in base
Cherniy Legion Frontera, ÐÊÔ 2463940, Ïàâëîâà Åëåíà 18.02.2007
Indio of Nicola's Lion x Cherniy Legion Normandia Female
 Int.Ch, J.Club.Ch, Grand Ua.Ch, Blr.Ch, Lt.Ch, ...
Cherniy Legion Fasha, ÐÊÔ 2044363, Martina Puusepp 18.02.2007
Indio of Nicola's Lion x Cherniy Legion Normandia Female
 Est.Ch, Lt.Ch, J.Est.Ch, J.Lt.Ch
Cherniy Legion Ferrari, RKF 2044362, Êîçëîâà Âåðîíèêà 18.02.2007
Indio of Nicola's Lion x Cherniy Legion Normandia Female
 Eurasia.W, ClubCH, Gr.Rus.Ch, Rus.Ch, J.Rus.Ch, ..., ÎÊÄ - 1, ÇÊÑ - 1
 HD-A, ED-0
Cherniy Legion Flagman, ÐÊÔ 2044359, ×èðêîâà Ñ.Á. 18.02.2007
Indio of Nicola's Lion x Cherniy Legion Normandia Male
 J.Club.Ch, Rus.Ch, J.Rus.Ch
Cherniy Legion Fora, Íàòàëüÿ Ìîëîäûõ 18.02.2007
Indio of Nicola's Lion x Cherniy Legion Normandia Female
Cherniy Legion Freya 18.02.2007
Indio of Nicola's Lion x Cherniy Legion Normandia Female
Cherniy Legion Flori 18.02.2007
Indio of Nicola's Lion x Cherniy Legion Normandia Female
Cherniy Legion Kasta I, RKF 2277852, Ðîäèíà Ë. 25.03.2008
Indio of Nicola's Lion x Cherniy Legion Normandia Female
 J.Club.Ch, Rus.Ch, J.Lt.Ch, J.Rus.Ch, IPO - 1
Cherniy Legion Kantri 25.03.2008
Indio of Nicola's Lion x Cherniy Legion Normandia Female
Cherniy Legion Kudzhio, Âëàäèìèð Íóãèñ 25.03.2008
Indio of Nicola's Lion x Cherniy Legion Normandia Male
Cherniy Legion Kraft, ÐÊÔ 2277854, Ãîâîðóõèí Ñ.À. 25.03.2008
Indio of Nicola's Lion x Cherniy Legion Normandia Male
 J.Club.Ch, Rus.Ch, J.Rus.Ch, IPO - 1
Cherniy Legion Kronstadt 25.03.2008
Indio of Nicola's Lion x Cherniy Legion Normandia Male
Cherniy Legion Komandor 25.03.2008
Indio of Nicola's Lion x Cherniy Legion Normandia Male
Cherniy Legion Konkord 25.03.2008
Indio of Nicola's Lion x Cherniy Legion Normandia Male
Cherniy Legion Faberzhe, ÐÊÔ 2463940, Åëåíà Ïàâëîâà 18.02.2009
Indio of Nicola's Lion x Cherniy Legion Normandia Female
Cherniy Legion Favorit 18.02.2009
Indio of Nicola's Lion x Cherniy Legion Normandia Male
Cherniy Legion Farvater 18.02.2009
Indio of Nicola's Lion x Cherniy Legion Normandia Male
Cherniy Legion Flint 18.02.2009
Indio of Nicola's Lion x Cherniy Legion Normandia Male
Cherniy Legion Front 18.02.2009
Indio of Nicola's Lion x Cherniy Legion Normandia Male
Cherniy Legion Fortuna 18.02.2009
Indio of Nicola's Lion x Cherniy Legion Normandia Female
Cherniy Legion Baster 01.01.2010
Indio of Nicola's Lion x Cherniy Legion Normandia Male
Cherniy Legion Blitz 01.01.2010
Indio of Nicola's Lion x Cherniy Legion Normandia Male
Cherniy Legion Bronx 01.01.2010
Indio of Nicola's Lion x Cherniy Legion Normandia Male
Cherniy Legion Blues 01.01.2010
Indio of Nicola's Lion x Cherniy Legion Normandia Male
Cherniy Legion Beauty 01.01.2010
Indio of Nicola's Lion x Cherniy Legion Normandia Female