Àâòîð ôîòî / Photo by: |
Titles: | It.Ch | Working cert. and tests: | BH |
PEDIGREE |  | Inbreeding: Balou vom Silberblick: 3:4; |  | It.Ch BH Xendi von der Alten Festung [P] HR 16358 Rw, HD-A, ED-0 Mario Renna, 2013 |
ADRK Aus.KS 2012, ADRK KS 2013, ADRK WS 2014, Ee.KS 2012, It.KS, ... SchH/VPG - 2, BH Imperator vom Haus Zschammer [P] ADRK 117906 / ÐÊÔ 3048531, HD-A, ED-2 Êàïðàëîâ Ìèõàèë, 2009 |
SchH/VPG - 3, AD, BH Jumbo vom Kummelsee [P] ADRK 105682, HD-A, ED-0 Ute Ruis, 2001 |
VDH.Ch SchH/VPG - 3, AD, BH Balou vom Silberblick [P] ADRK 093552, HD-A, ED-0 Jonny Bulk, 1996 |
SchH/VPG - 1, AD, BH, FH - 1 Wespe vom Kummelsee [P] ADRK 101063, HD-A, ED-0 Ute Ruis, 1999 |
VDH.Ch IPO - 3, SchH/VPG - 3, AD, BH, FH - 1 Fee vom Haus Zschammer [P] ADRK 109176 , HD-A, ED-1 Georg Zschammer, 2004 |
ADRK KS 2003, Int.Ch, VDH.Ch IPO - 3, SchH/VPG - 3, AD, BH Cujo von der Burg Weibertreu [P] ADRK 104492, HD-A, ED-1, 2000 |
VDH.Ch IPO - 1, SchH/VPG - 3, AD, BH, FH - 2 Baccara vom Haus Zschammer [P] ADRK 104450, HD-A, ED-1 Georg Zschammer, 2000 |
Freya von der Alten Festung [P] HR 15633 Rw, HD-A, ED-0, 2010 |
EuW VDH 2010, Int.Ch, Hrv.Ch, Slo.Ch, Srb.Ch, ... IPO - 1, BH Astor von Junipera [P] HR14902RW, HD-A, ED-0 Lidija and Vladimir Zec, 2007 |
Waro von Hause Sommer [P] JR 86247 Rw, , 2002 |
Volga od Dragicevica [P] JR 85442 RW , , 2004 |
Safir von der Alten Festung [P] HR 14776 Rw, HD-A, ED-0 Lidija Zec, 2007 |
Nelson von der Alten Festung [P] HR 14314 Rw, HD-A, ED-0, 2004 |
J.Srb.Ch IPO - 1 Bessy Wonderful Wizard [P] HR 14723 Rw, HD-A, ED-0, 2005 |
SOME RESULTS OF ATTENDING SHOWS |  | Results of attending shows by this dog, according to the showresults, that was entered into the database |  |
Date of show | Status | Show name | Judge | Class | Result | Number of dogs in class | Number of dogs on the show (same sex / all) | 19.08.2017 | Speciality | ADRK Klubsieger-Zuchtschau 2017 (Augsburg) Ãåðìàíèÿ | Uwe Petermann / Hans-Jürgen Radtke / Siegmund Trebschuh / Helmut Weiler | Champion class | á/ì, V
| 21 | 227 / 411 | 03.06.2017 | Speciality | 4.ADRK Weltsiegerschau Ãåðìàíèÿ | Siegmund Trebschuh / Anton Spindler / Vinicio Italo Di Paolo / Hajas István | Working class | 004, V
| 11 | 147 / 175 | 12.06.2015 | International (CACIB) | World Dog Show 2015 (Milan) Èòàëèÿ | Carla Romanelli Lenci | Open class | 001, V
| 13 | 87 / 165 | 11.06.2015 | national (CAC) | ENCI World Special Rottweiler Show (Milan) Èòàëèÿ | Nicola Parrini | Open class | 003, V
| 7 | 57 / 115 | 23.08.2014 | Speciality | ADRK Klubsieger-Zuchtschau 2014 (Ratingen-Lintorf) Ãåðìàíèÿ | Uwe Petermann / Rudiger Schmidt / Anton Spindler / Paul-Dieter Viehoff | Junior class | á/ì, V
| 64 | 229 / 439 | 26.04.2014 | Speciality | IFR World Show 2014 Èòàëèÿ | Fernando Manuel Ferreira Lucas Martins / Francesco Biondolillo / Miomir Marcic / Vinicio Italo Di Paolo / Yvonne Brink | Teen class | íåÿâ.,
| 40 | 251 / 469 | 25.04.2014 | Speciality | RCI Show senza frontiere 2014 Èòàëèÿ | Werner Walter / Anton Spindler / Francesco Biondolillo / | Teen class | íåÿâ.,
| 30 | 177 / 325 | |
Last update was 08.09.2017 |