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 Photo by unknown
Russia, Êðàñíîÿðñê
Offsprings in base:
0 males
0 females
55 dogs in base
Ofelia, ÐÊÔ 1188602, Ãðèãîðüåâà (Áàéñåíîâ) 25.07.2000
Joker x Sandi Female
 ÎÊÄ - 2, ÇÊÑ - 2, T - 1
Otvazhnaya, Ïëàòåö 25.07.2000
Joker x Sandi Female
Yantares, ÐÊÔ 1249815 20.03.2001
Joker x Sandi Male
Yason, ÐÊÔ 1249816 20.03.2001
Joker x Sandi Male
Yajen, ÐÊÔ 1249817 20.03.2001
Joker x Sandi Male
Yasten, ÐÊÔ 1249818 20.03.2001
Joker x Sandi Male
Yana, ÐÊÔ 1249819 20.03.2001
Joker x Sandi Female
Nike, ÐÊÔ 1516303, Òàòüÿíà Íèêèòèíà 01.01.2002
Joker x Nanda Female
 ÎÊÄ - 3
Max 14.04.2002
Joker x Sandi Male
Mers 14.04.2002
Joker x Sandi Male
Merfi 14.04.2002
Joker x Sandi Male
Mavr 14.04.2002
Joker x Sandi Male
Meggi, Ñòåïåíü 14.04.2002
Joker x Sandi Female
Montekki 14.04.2002
Joker x Sandi Female
Mersedes 14.04.2002
Joker x Sandi Female
Monserrat 14.04.2002
Joker x Sandi Female
Tiran 09.10.2002
Joker x Yuffi-Aik Male
Troll 09.10.2002
Joker x Yuffi-Aik Male
Todes 09.10.2002
Joker x Yuffi-Aik Male
Tixi 09.10.2002
Joker x Yuffi-Aik Male
Tetra 09.10.2002
Joker x Yuffi-Aik Male
Tutsi 09.10.2002
Joker x Yuffi-Aik Male
Givi, ÐÊÔ 1442567, Ãàìàþíîâ 11.08.2003
Joker x Odelvina s Berega Turi Male
Girr, ÐÊÔ 1442568 11.08.2003
Joker x Odelvina s Berega Turi Male
Gvido, ÐÊÔ 1442569 11.08.2003
Joker x Odelvina s Berega Turi Male
Giz, ÐÊÔ 1442570 11.08.2003
Joker x Odelvina s Berega Turi Male
Gizmo, ÐÊÔ 1442571, Ôåäîðèùåâ Å.À. 11.08.2003
Joker x Odelvina s Berega Turi Male
Garri, ÐÊÔ 1442572 11.08.2003
Joker x Odelvina s Berega Turi Male
Gwidon, ÐÊÔ 1442573 11.08.2003
Joker x Odelvina s Berega Turi Male
Getman, ÐÊÔ 1442574 11.08.2003
Joker x Odelvina s Berega Turi Male
Gabriella, ÐÊÔ 1442575 11.08.2003
Joker x Odelvina s Berega Turi Male
Gledis, ÐÊÔ 1442576, Òàðàí 11.08.2003
Joker x Odelvina s Berega Turi Female
Grethen, ÐÊÔ 1442577 11.08.2003
Joker x Odelvina s Berega Turi Male
Z'Ring Robin 12.05.2004
Joker x Hahriett Male
Z'Porter 12.05.2004
Joker x Hahriett Male
Zander 12.05.2004
Joker x Hahriett Male
Zelma 12.05.2004
Joker x Hahriett Female
Zandi 12.05.2004
Joker x Hahriett Female
Zilda 12.05.2004
Joker x Hahriett Female
Irbis 20.10.2005
Joker x Viktoria Male
Inchi 20.10.2005
Joker x Viktoria Male
Ingo 20.10.2005
Joker x Viktoria Male
Irk 20.10.2005
Joker x Viktoria Male
Imen 20.10.2005
Joker x Viktoria Male
Iris 20.10.2005
Joker x Viktoria Female
Iola 20.10.2005
Joker x Viktoria Female
Isida 20.10.2005
Joker x Viktoria Female
Isabel 20.10.2005
Joker x Viktoria Female
Iliada 20.10.2005
Joker x Viktoria Female
Irishka 20.10.2005
Joker x Viktoria Female
Marsel 30.01.2007
Joker x Viktoria Male
Magelan 30.01.2007
Joker x Viktoria Male
Meison 30.01.2007
Joker x Viktoria Male
Mett 30.01.2007
Joker x Viktoria Male
Mamba 30.01.2007
Joker x Viktoria Female

23 dogs in base
Elaita, ÐÊÔ 0025030 03.05.1995
Borman-Erfolg x Elfe Feba Istwood Female
Uelmari iz Siriusa, ÐÊÔ 0058783, Ùåðáàê À. 10.10.1996
Cirus Schwarzen Stark x Elfe Feba Istwood Female
Urgis iz Siriusa, Ìîñêâèòèí 10.10.1996
Cirus Schwarzen Stark x Elfe Feba Istwood Male
Uelfotd iz Siriusa, Íèêîëàåâà 10.10.1996
Cirus Schwarzen Stark x Elfe Feba Istwood Male
Ulfe iz Siriusa, Çàéöåâ 10.10.1996
Cirus Schwarzen Stark x Elfe Feba Istwood Female
Ulrika iz Siriusa, Âàâèëîâà 10.10.1996
Cirus Schwarzen Stark x Elfe Feba Istwood Female
Ursana iz Siriusa, Íèçîâ 10.10.1996
Cirus Schwarzen Stark x Elfe Feba Istwood Female
Utta iz Siriusa, Ìèêóøèíà 10.10.1996
Cirus Schwarzen Stark x Elfe Feba Istwood Female
Uembli iz Siriusa, Ìåíüøèêîâà 10.10.1996
Cirus Schwarzen Stark x Elfe Feba Istwood Female
Jeanpole, ÐÊÔ 0075758 17.08.1997
Real Type Dark Soul x Elfe Feba Istwood Male
Gordan 17.08.1997
Real Type Dark Soul x Elfe Feba Istwood Male
Jessika 17.08.1997
Real Type Dark Soul x Elfe Feba Istwood Female
Lolita, ÐÊÔ 0085289 02.11.1998
Praid x Elfe Feba Istwood Female
Leon, ÐÊÔ 0085290 02.11.1998
Praid x Elfe Feba Istwood Male
Evan, ÐÊÔ 1156125 29.11.1999
Golden-Hachiko x Elfe Feba Istwood Male
Evangelika, ÐÊÔ 1156132 29.11.1999
Golden-Hachiko x Elfe Feba Istwood Female
Egin, ÐÊÔ 1156128 29.11.1999
Golden-Hachiko x Elfe Feba Istwood Male
Elizabeth, ÐÊÔ 1156130 29.11.1999
Golden-Hachiko x Elfe Feba Istwood Female
Erick, ÐÊÔ 1156127 29.11.1999
Golden-Hachiko x Elfe Feba Istwood Male
Erika, ÐÊÔ 1156131, Ãëóõîâ÷åíêî 29.11.1999
Golden-Hachiko x Elfe Feba Istwood Female
Erso, ÐÊÔ 1156126 29.11.1999
Golden-Hachiko x Elfe Feba Istwood Male
Eson, ÐÊÔ 1156129 29.11.1999
Golden-Hachiko x Elfe Feba Istwood Male
Estera, ÐÊÔ 1156133 29.11.1999
Golden-Hachiko x Elfe Feba Istwood Female